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Consulta y Apoyo Psicológico

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Excelentes servicios terapéuticos

Psicólogos profesionales te pueden apoyar

Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC)

La TCC se centra en identificar y modificar patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento que contribuyen a los problemas psicológicos. Es eficaz para tratar trastornos de ansiedad, depresión, trastornos alimentarios y trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC)

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Terapia de Pareja

Dirigida a mejorar la comunicación, resolver conflictos y fortalecer la intimidad en las relaciones de pareja. Se utiliza para abordar problemas de comunicación, infidelidad, dificultades sexuales y de convivencia

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Terapia Familiar

Enfocada en mejorar la dinámica familiar, resolver conflictos y fortalecer los lazos afectivos. Es útil para abordar problemas de crianza, relaciones entre padres e hijos, conflictos intergeneracionales y crisis familiares

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Somos la mejor opción para apoyarte

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Online Counseling

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Group Therapy

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CEO & CO Founder
20 Years of Expericence

Professional therapy services you can choose from

Family Counseling

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Depression Problem

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Personal Meeting

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Couple Counseling

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I experienced tremendous growth in my 1+ year with the service, and I would come back again...If you are honest with your therapist, you can see great breakthroughs and tips to learn and grow as a person.

Qisnum has changed my therapy game 100%. Not only is my counselor phenomenal, but I can also message her on my own time...I can sit at home in my sweats, not be embarrassed to cry, and pour my guts out online.

I experienced tremendous growth in my 1+ year with the service, and I would come back again...If you are honest with your therapist, you can see great breakthroughs and tips to learn and grow as a person.

Jessica Brown
Envato Customer
Robert Cooper
Customer Feedback
Zara Milky
Web Developer
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Personal Meeting

Anxiety Disorder


Patient are happy for proper mental cure support

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Achievements in recognition awards and rewards

Counseling Award
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The Best Choice
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Super Quality
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10 signs you should know about

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10 signs you should know about

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10 signs you should know about

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